Who's Doing What (Go to Czar)
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  • You can rename any person or activity by clicking their name in the table.
  • New activities, new people, and changes in work assignments appear automatically. The "Update every minute" checkbox is useful only to update the minutes-ago time in the table.
Charlie Juliet Mike Oscar Romeo
First puzzle :05 :23
Second puzzle 42m 1h12m 4:38
Third puzzle :05
Fourth puzzle 1:30
Sleeping :15
  • Each row is an activity, each column a person. Non-puzzle activities are orange. Your name is yellow, if you've selected your name on Czar.
  • Each cell shows when this person was last performing this activity. It's hours and minutes.
  • Marking one assignment as "exclusive" (green) marks all other assignments as "no longer" (grey). The exception are non-exclusive assignments, shown in purple. Non-exclusive assignments for puzzles will be rare -- it would suggest you're actively working on more than one puzzle simultaneously.
  • "No longer" (grey) assignments are displayed as a duration, indicating how long that person worked on that assignment. If you really need to know when they were last seen on that assignment, use the tooltip.
  • At the two-hour mark, green starts "decaying" to red, turning into full red at 6 hours. When someone starts losing their color, it means we haven't heard from them in a while.
  • Solved puzzles have a checkmark next to their names. Anyone active on solved puzzles are shown in orange.